
Archive for July, 2009

Hi! Well, I’ve been busy doing stuff (well, bascally, practising Kanji for my Japanese classes.) So here’s artwork for you. It’s been done on Adobe Photoshop. So what do you think of Mr.Snow?mr.snow

Here’s another piece of art, which I drew while studying about magnetism and coils for my physics exam. This is how you should spend your time studying (:P)



I promise, you’ll get a better post next time. Also, the power’s gonna go, ’cause it’s been raining. yay rain!

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wakin-dreamYes, folks, India is a MAD place. And not just because of the crows, either. For one thing, we have a veritable assortment of poop on the ‘pavements’ (another Indianism for what you’d call the sidewalk) and streets- cowpoop, dogpoop, catpoop, ratpoop (OK, really beginning to enjoy myself, here) and a lovely scattering of bird droppings.

This all amuses me doubly when my cousins from abroad visit- they’re just so fascinated– and  by buffaloes and goats and things! It’s hilarious! The traffic is insane, as well (Don’t do things by halves, do we? *smirk*) and people are always crediting the crazy driving as being the original inspiration for car-race video games. No, really. If you are a cyclist/auto-driver anything goes. Oh, and the occupancy! Sometimes, you’ll see people in cars packed like sardines in a tin. Public buses are a menace, really, with tons of passengers hanging out so that the whole thing looks like it could topple over any moment. I’ve always though we should have three separate classes with different tickets and fares- sitting, standing and hanging. Just the ‘sitting’ class would be smartest, though, of course.

Nope, no kidding.

It’s also a place that’s home, at once, to abject poverty and, um, the opposite. People are crazy-orthodox and others are.. not-so-much. Sometimes, though, you’ll see things like this:

Only in India..
Only in India..

Bottom-line: SO worth it. 🙂

There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home..

– Dorothy, The Wizard of Oz

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Color sprinklesOk, so basically, I decided to read this book by Belinda Seaward because the cover was interesting. Not in an OMG-it’s-so-good way, but just interesting. Also, the stuff at the back seemed quite good

I started with the first three pages and felt disgusted and sick because of the description of an amputated limb. This was (I feel) the only part where Hotel Julietdescriptions were good, even if it did gross me out. Honestly, the book sucks. The story line is that of a typical orphan who probes around to find the truths about her parents and then finds something that is either truly amazing or contradictory to what she’d’ve heard.

Belinda Seaward tries desperately to write in this particular style, which is sort of abrupt but pulls you to read the story. She seems to fail in this miserably. She hasn’t defined her style of writing and you can see subtle changes in the way she writes. Also, her characters are very loosely formed. I mean, she starts off with the people in a city-ish way which sort of changes. I mean, they are terribly formed that I don’t even have images or blobs or defining shapes of them in my head. It’s like these people would suddenly fall in love with the rural parts of Africa just because the bride’s dad sent them there as a mark of his disapproval.  The only reason, I skimmed through the pages of this book is because I wanted to see if there were interesting things to read about Africa. The one thing that I found interesting is the fact that Africans name their kids like Hope, Faith, Saviour, Memory and stuff like this. So maybe this is where Destiny Hope’s names inspired from.

If you ever see this book at a bookstore, no don’t get it. Please you’d be better off not reading it.

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ICONATOR_d7c5aa76368eaba6e98d72f4a5db32a6Hola people! If you read stuff here regularly, you will probably know that we practiacally live on the beach here and if you didn’t, you know now anyway. So. Here are some pictures we took when we went on one of our early morning excursions to the beach.


Of course, The Monument!


The Sun

More Beach

The Sky...and some buldings

The Sky!

The Sky!

Yup! Its looks a lot nicer without the Others. Its really good weather in the mornings there though,but only till about 7 am before it goes back to its usual boiling hot status.

We went to the beach again today (You may groan) and it was really nice and breezy. That is, before it started raining. So, we ran into the nearest coffee shop and ordered stuff. But then, there was a blackout! Yes, that was an exclamation point because something happened to us! We nearly got stranded!

Can you sense the desperation there?

Anyway, that was our great Adventure of the day.

In other unrelated news, Fuzzy is now an honorary College student, with an ID and everything. Yay for her! Although she has to keep the ID safe for 4 years, which, in her case, is nearly impossible. Good Luck anyway! 😉

BWC and I on the other hand have to still be formally admitted into ours. Yup, soon we’ll be busy, busy college students.

We are doing something now though. We’ve decided to reread the Harry Potter books, which were a major part of our collective childhood(?) and also the thing we all had in common when we first met, and basically talk about and, to use a cliche (Beacuse I Want To :P) relive the magic!

That’s all for now I guess. Catch ya later!

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Yep, you saw it, crows. You could say it’s the ‘Bird of Chennai’ because you’d hardly drive around without noticing at least a few crows. For a fact, BWC (when she was tiny) was seen hugging a lamp post because there was a crow perched at the top of it, saying she wanted the crow. (Sorry BWC!) Now, forget you read that line. I’d say they’re one of the most annoying animals (err… birds) ever seen.

They’re up and cawing early in the morning disturbing your deep, peaceful slumber, reminding you that you’ve got a whole day to go through. Also, they come and take your food, if no one’s around it. (I had a dosa stolen from my hand once ) And they’re always on any tree you find, so be careful while standing under a tree, as you might get crow-poop on you. Some of the crows here actually build nests for itself, unlike the usual belief that their young are raised  in some other bird’s nest. Also, if you leave clothes on the terrace to dry, they perch onto them, making claw-shaped cuts in them. They’re known to drop half-eaten fish around too.

And today, I went to get officially admitted into college. On coming back, we found a crow tapping the side window glass (cause, it’s the reflector glass type ones) and there was a huge crack on it. (And before you ask, it did poop on the window shield :P)

Guess that’s about it. *sighs* This NaBloPoMo stuff is tough, even with 3 people writing this blog. Oh well…..

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wakin-dreamI’ve just spent a good portion of my morning cackling madly at my monitor, and I have this site to thank. The site opens with:

A Step-by-Step Guide to joining the Forces of Darkness

and has a handy list of objectives, how-tos, careers and even fashion ideas for the evil-impaired. I recommend it as a comprehensive guide to anyone wishing to begin at the very basics ( What is Evil? Benefits? Etc..), but longtime practitioners need look no further to find something satisfying to their diabolic selves, either. I, for instance, have formulated a whole new Evil Plan with the help of this extensive planner.

The finished goods ( My Plan, to all you beginners):

Congratulations on being the creator of a new

Evil Plan ™!

Your objective is simple: Destroy the Earth.

Your motive is a little bit more complex: To show them all.

Stage One

To begin your plan, you must first traumatize a news reporter. This will cause the world to sign up for life insurance policies, unsettled by your arrival. Who is this demented madman? Where did they come from? And why do they look so good in classic black?

Stage Two

Next, you must vaporize the internet. This will all be done from a ‘hell’, a mysterious place of unrivaled dark glory. Upon seeing this, the world will wet their pants, as countless hordes of mean English teachers hasten to do your every bidding.

Stage Three

Finally, you must unleash your secret death ray, bringing about pain, suffering, the usual. Your name shall become synonymous with the spice girls, and no man will ever again dare make you clean your room. Everyone will bow before your mind-boggling insanity, and the world will have no choice but to elect you dictator for life.

I’m thinking, “I could live with that.”.  XD. Oops, I mean Ha Ha Ha… He-he-he-he-he..Muahahahaha…Bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!


*** The End***

P.S. : I wonder who will land up on this page.. ( I also suggest you take a look at the tags for laugh.).

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ICONATOR_d7c5aa76368eaba6e98d72f4a5db32a6I’m going to take Adzzie‘s idea and post some older sketches that I’ve done but never posted.


This is Kai from Beyblade. Yup, I watched a show about spinning tops. And loved it. Extremely. So did Adzzie and our brothers. I remember how we would discuss every episode as soon as it was done. And the final episode, Ohmigod, We actually scremed and yelled into the telephone! We always wavered between Tyson and Kai as our favorite characters.

This is very old and his smile is strangely lopsided.


This one is of Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin, except its like a teenage version of sorts. I watched and read Kenshin too. The manga was really, really good! I loved the drawing style.

And that’s all for your daily dose of me! Keeping with tradition, here’s a quote;

I do not want people to be agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of liking them.
Jane Austen

Love, Love, Love her! Later all!

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wakin-dreamSeeing as we received no hate mail and found no identifiable drop in the number of viewers since my last post -which I stole- I figured, hey, stealing from myself can do no harm!

This is why, even though I’d promised to take my pictures elsewhere and write REAL posts on here, you get this instead:


"Not Sunflowers"


"Piano" in HB pencil.

Yes.Piano.I have often been commended on my abundant creativity.

Cecilia (Atonement)

"Cecilia (Atonement)"

One of those I actually like.So of course, it would be the one that my scanner wants to ruin most.Sigh.Life. Etc..


And, at last, my old friend- The Fireplace.

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ICONATOR_d7c5aa76368eaba6e98d72f4a5db32a6I have nothing to say. Nada. All out of ideas. There you go. That’s a post, right?

Its not? Fine. Be mean then. *mutters incoherently* But, remember, you asked for it.

So, any one catch the “longest eclipse for another 105 years”? I got up at 5:30 am but all I got to see was a big ol’ bunch of nothing. Yup. Nothing happened here. Nothing happens here.Ever. Except maybe the Venus Transit thing.

In other news, we’re going back to our school tomorrow for its annual (since last year) Carnival that’s held on the school’s founder’s birthday. They basically raise money for charity except only the students of the school themselves and their parents and siblings can attend. No outsiders allowed. Doesn’t make much sense does it? But that’s our school for you. I remember they once charged the athletes (participating in the Annual Sports Meet) money for sand. Seriously, I am not kidding you. The throwball team (which Fuzzy and BWC were a part of, I can’t play to save my life) was once yelled at becuase they wore their team jerseys with their skirts because they didn’t match.* Doesn’t matter that they won the game. *shrugs* And that is why we moaned about school so much. I could start listing all the crap. But that would take forever. Stupidly enough, I miss even all the rubbish they would do to us just because it was so fun to just sit and yell and complain about them. Though, I’m pretty sure that College won’t disappoint us in that aspect.

I found out a couple of days ago that the time between school and college is known as the ‘Seven Week Itch’. Interesting ( Not really, but yes, Now you know). I wish it would just start already. Hopefully, we’ll have more to say when it does. I even looked “This Day in History” and you know what, Nothing happened today! Nothing interesting anyway.

I shall leave you now. My mum’s yummy pasta’s a callin’.

Here’s a poem I like.

Any Morning

Just lying on the couch and being happy.
Only humming a little, the quiet sound in the head.
Trouble is busy elsewhere at the moment, it has
so much to do in the world.

People who might judge are mostly asleep; they can’t
monitor you all the time, and sometimes they forget.
When dawn flows over the hedge you can
get up and act busy.

Little corners like this, pieces of Heaven
left lying around, can be picked up and saved.
People won’t even see that you have them,
they are so light and easy to hide.

Later in the day you can act like the others.
You can shake your head. You can frown.

— William Stafford

It so good.


* I hope I got the facts right. I remember everything properly.

PS: I’m so bored. Someone kill me!

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wakin-dreamFor anyone whose predominent thoughts on the title run along the lines “Erm, WHAT?!”, I have two things to say

1. Bear with me.Please (Magic word and all..!).

2. Addressing the ” No, I really don’t know what you’re talking about” -section of readers (The former was aimed at the “Have you lost it?!” -group), here’s what Wiki has to say:

A fallacy is an argument which provides poor reasoning in support of its conclusion. Fallacies differ from other bad arguments in that many people find them psychologically persuasive. That is, people will mistakenly take a fallacious argument to provide good reasons to believe its conclusion. An argument can be fallacious whether or not its conclusion is true.

Anyway, I found this very interesting post on Geekpress that I have based this on stolen :

List of logical fallacies

Ad Hominem:
This is the best logical fallacy, and if you disagree with me, well, you suck.

Appeal To False Authority*:
Your logical fallacies aren’t logical fallacies at all because Einstein said so. Einstein also said that this one is better.

Appeal To Emotion:
See, my mom, she had to work three jobs on account of my dad leaving and refusing to support us, and me with my elephantitis and all, all our money went to doctor’s bills so I never was able to get proper schooling. So really, if you look deep down inside yourself, you’ll see that my fallacy here is the best.

Appeal to Fear:
If you don’t accept Appeal to Fear as the greatest fallacy, then THE TERRORISTS WILL HAVE WON. Do you want that on your conscience, that THE TERRORISTS WILL HAVE WON because you were a pansy who didn’t really think that Appeal to Fear was worth voting for, and you wanted to vote for something else? Of course not, and neither would the people you let die because THE TERRORISTS WILL HAVE WON.

Appeal To Force:

If you don’t agree that Appeal to Force is the greatest logical fallacy, I will kick your ass.

Appeal To Majority:
Most people think that this fallacy is the best, so clearly it is.

Appeal To Novelty:
The Appeal to Novelty’s a new fallacy, and it blows all your crappy old fallacies out the water! All the cool kids are using it: it’s OBVIOUSLY the best.

Appeal To Numbers:

Millions think that this fallacy is the best, so clearly it is.

Appeal To Tradition:
We’ve used Appeal to Tradition for centuries: how can it possibly be wrong?

Argumentum Ad Nauseam**:
Argumentum ad nauseam is the best logical fallacy.
Argumentum ad nauseam is the best logical fallacy.
Argumentum ad nauseam is the best logical fallacy.
Argumentum ad nauseam is the best logical fallacy.
Argumentum ad nauseam is the best logical fallacy.
Argumentum ad nauseam is the best logical fallacy.
Argumentum ad nauseam is the best logical fallacy.

Begging The Question:
Circular reasoning is the best fallacy and is capable of proving anything.
Since it can prove anything, it can obviously prove the above statement.
Since it can prove the first statement, it must be true.
Therefore, circular reasoning is the best fallacy and is capable of proving anything.

Burden Of Proof:

Can you prove that Burden of Proof isn’t the best logical fallacy?

Complex Question:
Have you stopped beating your wife and saying Complex Question isn’t the best fallacy?

False Dilemma:
I’ve found that either you think False Dilemma is the best fallacy, or you’re a terrorist.

False Premise:
All of the other fallacies are decent, but clearly not the best as they didn’t come from my incredibly large and sexy brain.

Gambler’s Fallacy:
In all the previous talks about this subject, Gambler’s Fallacy won, so I just know the Gambler’s Fallacy is going to win this time!

Guilt By Association:
You know who else preferred those other logical fallacies?
(insert pictures of Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot here)

Non Sequitur:
Non Sequitur is the best fallacy because none of my meals so far today have involved asparagus.

Post Hoc/False Cause:
Since I’ve started presuming that correlation equals causation, violent crime has gone down 54%.

Red Herring:
They say that to prove your fallacy is the best requires extraordinary evidence, because it’s an extraordinary claim. Well, I’d like to note that “Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence” is itself an extraordinary claim.

Well maybe all those other fallacies are the best for you, but to me, the relativist fallacy is the greatest logical fallacy ever.

Slippery Slope:

If you don’t like Slippery Slope arguments, you will do poorly in class, drop out of school, commit crimes, go to prison, and die of AIDS.

Special Pleading:

I know that everyone is posting about their favorite fallacies, but Special Pleading is out-and-out the best, so it should just win with no contest.


*Replace ‘Einstein’ with ‘BWC’ and you have a legit reason folks.No fallacy there!

**Lucid is under the impression that I use this one a lot. Her new approach to arguments with me is, well, not to argue at all. Hehe. Growing smarter from all the time spent around me, that girl.

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