
Posts Tagged ‘Democracy’

searching-for-meOh, they had better be! Incidentally just who do you file a suit against in this case?That’s what I’d like to know.

Sometimes though, education can be worse than bitter – it can be just plain olde stupid ( and here I quote our textbooks) :

” This is also known as small signal current gain and its value is very large.” Bloody physics.

” People should not participate in the election process because they don’t know what’s good for them.” From my brother’s text on the chief arguments against Democracy.

” It may also be performed by unqualified, illegal quacks ( Comment : Quacks?!)..”.As in the Biology text book  (something about intrauterine contraceptives).

Disclaimer : Italics are mine, obviously.

Although they are entertaining, these little snippets just seem to crop up so much more often when The Big Bad Exams are here and I need to vent, don’t they? This has been your Fact For the Day.

What else has happened that is of moment and worthy of this here blog? I just finished Atlas Shrugged a couple of days back.You know, because that is obviously The Thing To Do when you have The Big Bad- let’s just say BBEs from now, shall we? So, yes.I was saying.Thing to do.Obviously.

And? It’s brilliant.It has all the Objectivism from Fountainhead and her characteristic style..In short : Really liked it.The only trouble with it is the microscopic print- takes halfway to forever to read!- and the fact that it can just get a little too verbose and repetitive at some points.I am in love with the idea and characters, though.And you know what they say, love is blind!So it is that I am urging you all once again to GO READ IT ALREADY!

And because of the insistent throbbing somewhere around my temples ( say hi, temples!) I am going to have to call it a night, here.Actually more because I have managed to convince myself that this is, of course, the only reason I am not studying for that dreaded Physics Exam (Ohhh boy!) and if I keep at this that bossy, sensible voice in my head is going to have things to say, isn’t it? Not leaving without a quote from the book, though (and my favourite) :

I think it’s funny.  There was a time when men were afraid that somebody would reveal some secret of theirs that was unknown to their fellows.  Nowadays, they’re afraid that somebody will name what everybody knows.

– Fransico d’Anconia ( Although I like Rearden better.And Dagny- yes, the female lead, for a change! I couldn’t stand Galt, though. That would be my second-favourite quote: ‘Who is John Galt?’.OKOK, I’m leaving.Give the girl navy dude a break!)


I found this in the dictionary:

“quack 2 // (kwk) n.

1. An untrained person who pretends to be a physician and dispenses medical advice and treatment.”

Who knew?!

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